Batch Render Flags

Below is the current list of render flags for the Arnold batch render. Specific options for renderer "arnold": Arnold renderer.

General Purpose Flags

-rd path Directory in which to store output image files.
-im filename Image file output name.
-rt int Render type (0 = render, 1 = export ass, 2 = export and kick).
-lic boolean Turn licensing on or off.

Frame Numbering Options

-s float Starting frame for an animation sequence.
-e float End frame for an animation sequence.
-b float By frame (or step) for an animation sequence.
-pad int Number of digits in the output image frame file name extension.

Render Layers and Passes

-rl boolean name(s)
-rp boolean name(s)
-sel boolean name(s)
-l boolean name(s)

Camera Options

-cam name Specify which camera will be rendered.
-rgb boolean Turn RGB output on or off.
-alpha boolean Turn Alpha output on or off.
-depth boolean Turn Depth output on or off.
-iip Ignore Image Planes. Turn off all image planes before rendering.

Resolution Options

-x int Set X resolution of the final image.
-y int Set Y resolution of the final image.
-percentRes float Renders the image using a percentage of the resolution.
-ard float Device aspect ratio for the rendered image.

Sampling Options

-ai:as int Camera samples (Anti-aliasing)
-ai:hs int Indirect Diffuse samples.
-ai:gs int Indirect Specular samples.
-ai:rs int Refraction samples.
- ai:bssrdfs int Number of SSS samples.

Sample Clamping

-ai:cmpsv boolean Enable sample clamping.
-ai:aovsc boolean Sample clampling affects AOVs.
-ai:aasc float Sample clamp value.

Ray Depth Options

-ai:td int Total depth.
-ai:dif int Indirect Diffuse depth.
-ai:glo int Indirect Specular depth.
-ai:rfl int Reflection depth.
-ai:rfr int Refraction depth.
-ai:atd int Auto-transparency depth.
-ai:att float Auto-transparency threshold.

Motion Blur

-ai:mben boolean Enable motion blur.
-ai:mbdf boolean Enable object deformation motion blur.
-ai:mbrt int Shutter Position
-ai:mbms int Number of motion steps.
-ai:mbfr int Shutter Length.
-ai:mbst int Motion Start.
-ai:mben int Motion End.


-ai:llth float Low light threshold value.
-ai:ll int Light linking mode. (0 - None, 1 - Maya Light Links)
-ai:sl int Shadow linking mode. (0 - None, 1 - Follows Light Linking, 2 - Maya Shadow Links)


-ai:mxsb int Maximum subdivision level.

Render Settings

-ai:threads int Set the number of threads.
-ai:bscn int Bucket scanning. (0 - Top, 1 - Bottom, 2 - Left, 3 - Right, 4 - Random, 5 - Woven, 6 - Spiral, 7 - Hilbert)
-ai:bsz int Bucket size.
-ai:bass boolean Export binary ASS files.
-ai:exbb boolean Export bounding box in ASS files.
-ai:aerr boolean Abort on error.
-ai:alf boolean Abort on license fail.
-ai:slc boolean Skip license check.
-ai:uopt string User options string.


-ai:txamm boolean Enable auto-mipmap.
-ai:txaum boolean Accept unmipped textures.
-ai:txaun boolean Accept untiled textures.
-ai:txett boolean Use existing tiled textures.
-ai:txat int Auto-tile size.
-ai:txmm float Maximum texture cache memory in MB.
-ai:txmof int Maximum number of open textures.
-ai:txpfs boolean Per-file texture stats.
-ai:txdb float Texture blur for diffuse rays.
-ai:txgb float Texture blur for glossy rays.

Feature Overrides

-ai:fotx boolean Ignore texture maps.
-ai:fosh boolean Ignore shaders.
-ai:foat boolean Ignore atmosphere shaders.
-ai:folt boolean Ignore lights.
-ai:fosw boolean Ignore shadows.
-ai:fosd boolean Ignore subdivision.
-ai:fodp boolean Ignore displacement mapping.
-ai:fobp boolean Ignore bump mapping.
-ai:fosm boolean Ignore smoothing of vertex normals.
-ai:fomb boolean Ignore motion blur.
-ai:fosss boolean Ignore SSS.
-ai:fodof boolean Ignore Depth of Field.

Search Paths

-ai:sppg string Plugin search path.
-ai:sppr string Procedural search path.
-ai:spsh string Shader search path.
-ai:sptx string Texture search path.


-ai:lfn string Log filename.
-ai:lmw int Maximum number of warnings.
-ai:ltc int Log to Console.
-ai:ltf int Log to File.
- ai:lve int Verbosity Level. (0 - Errors, 1 - Warnings, 2 - Info, 3 - Debug)


-ai:ste Boolean enable stats.
-ai:stf String stats filename.
-ai:stm Int stats mode.
-ai:pfe Boolean enable profile.
-ai:pff String profile filename.

Mel Callbacks

-preRender string Add Mel code executed before rendering.
-postRender string A dd Mel code executed after rendering.
-preLayer string A dd Mel code executed before each render layer.
-postLayer string A dd Mel code executed after each render layer.
-preFrame string A dd Mel code executed before each frame.
-postFrame string A dd Mel code executed after each frame.
-insertPreRender string Insert Mel code executed before rendering.
-insertPostRender string Insert Mel code executed after rendering.
-insertPreLayer string Insert Mel code executed before each render layer.
-insertPostLayer string Insert Mel code executed after each render layer.
-insertPreFrame string Insert Mel code executed before each frame.
-insertPostFrame string Insert Mel code executed after each frame.

Region Options

reg Sets a custom rectangular region for rendering ( xmin xmax ymin ymax). XY start at 0,0 in the top-left corner.

Rendering Device

- ai:device Render device (0: CPU, 1: GPU).
- ai:gpu int Index of the GPU used for the render (works in conjunction with manGpuSel and can set a single GPU to render).
ai:manGpuSel Enable/disable manual GPU selection (boolean).