
Further Reading
See Shapes in the Arnold User Guide for the full documentation of Arnold shapes and shape parameters.

MtoA supports Maya particles and nparticles, however, there are some current limitations:

A Maya scene that demonstrates nparticles rendered as volumes can be found here.

Interpolated Motion Blur

When the motion blur keys from the scene don't match the time where the nParticle cache was sampled, artifacts will appear. The Interpolated Motion Blur check will avoid this situation by using the nearest samples from the cache. This option requires that the nCache Evaluation Interval attribute be the same as the nCache Evaluate Every # frame(s) option that was used to create the nCache.

This option disables the rendering of particles that exceed the maximum particle Lifespan range when using motion blur.

Particles maximum lifespan range reaches poly plane (left). Delete Dead Particles: Off. Motion blur exceeds particle lifespan (incorrect)(center). Delete Dead Particles: On (correct motion blur)(right).

Workflow Issues

Particle Sampler Info

MtoA does not export the particleSamplerInfo node. It exports some "userDataXXX" nodes and they require that the info is exported within the particles object.

The example below has a particleSamplerInfo connected to theĀ Uv Co-ordinatesĀ of a ramp texture and the Out Uv Type is set to Normalized Age:

The particleSamplerInfo is ignored and the particles remain the same color over time

By default, this will not work. However, it can be achieved by selecting the particleShape node, and in the Arnold section, in the Export Attributes, type 'age':

Adding 'Age' to the Arnold Export Attributes for the ParticleShape node fixes the connection to the ParticleSamplerInfo node

A Maya scene file that demonstrates the above particle sampler info workflow can be found here.

OpacityPP with particles will only be exported if the Opacity in the Arnold section of the particleShape is disabled.


Maya's Particle Instancer in combination with stand-ins is a powerful way to produce scenes with a lot of complexity.