About Levels

Levels are a particular case of model views and, like model views, clip the object's visibility when activated. In the 3D space, levels are delimited by one or two work planes.

Each level has a main workplane and an optional base level.

Levels are used to create a slice through the structure based on height in the WCS which is useful for multi level structures.

Structural elements can be created taking into account the workplane and the base level. For example, a wall can be placed between two altitudes of a level.

When activated, the level activates its main workplane (on the top) and the main workplane of the base level (on the bottom), if one was defined.

Access Levels

You can access levels from a specific tree in the Workplane tab of the Project Explorer. Levels are organized in folders.

Active levels are displayed in bold in the Project Explorer. To activate a level, double click it in the Project Explorer. You can activate only one level at a time.

Assign Objects to Levels

Objects are assigned to the active level when created. Objects can be assigned / unassigned from levels at any time, using a specific command. Each new level creates one workplane that is defined as the main workplane of the level. This workplane is created horizontally, at the level altitude and has the 'binding type' property set to 'horizontal bind'.

Activate a Level

The active level is the level where the elements are created. All sections drawn using the beam commands have both ends of the system line locked to the active level.

Note: When a new level is created it instantly becomes active.

A level might be visible without being activated. Its elements are displayed on the screen but the entities are not created on it.

Note: The visibility box of the level follows all the modifications made on the workplanes, as long as the workplanes remain parallel to the WCS xOy plane. When the workplanes are angled relative to the horizontal plane, the levels visibility box no longer follows the workplane modifications.

Multi-user behavior: This option is only available in a single user environment.

Detach Elements

One or several elements can be detached from the workplane. The software finds all the definition points of the selected elements that are connected to workplanes from the current selection and detaches them from their workplane. The list of the detached elements is displayed in the command line.

Note: The elements to detach from the workplane must be checked-out.

Use Levels to Manage Visibility and Model Complexity

When modeling multi-level structures you can use levels to control the visibility of structural elements and easily place elements according to altitude. You can also use levels to select and mark the corresponding structural elements. Structural elements can be created taking into account the workplane and base level. For example, a wall can be placed between two altitudes of a level.

Select and Mark Level Elements

All objects assigned to a selected level can be selected or marked. These two functions can be launched from the level context menu. They select / mark all the objects that are currently in the DWG model space and are assigned to the selected level.