Beam Dialog: Properties Tab

This tab of the beam properties dialog box, lists the beam geometric properties and the section geometric values.

Properties Description
A [m2] Cross section area
ez[mm] Center of gravity distance
ey[mm] Center of gravity distance
Surface area [mm2/m] Coating surface per meter
Mass [kg/m] Weight per meter
L system [mm] System line length in mm
L section [mm] Physical beam length in mm
Coating surf. [m2] Coating surface in mm2
G [kg] Beam total weight (the beam contour processings are not taken into account).
Exact G [kg] Beam exact weight
Shrink (draw)  
d-height of the beam [mm] Beam height in mm
b-width [mm] Beam height in mm
tw-web thickness [mm] Beam web thickness in mm
tf-flange thickness [mm] Flange thickness in mm
R-Inner radius [mm] Radius in mm
k [mm] c-dimension (t+r) in mm
g1-bolt gauges [mm] Distance to gauge lines in mm
g2-bolt gauges [mm]  
g3-bolt gauges [mm]  
T=d-2k [mm] T distance, in mm