The Clash Check Dialog

Displays the list of collisions in beams, plates, and bolts for an entire model or a selection set.

The collisions are numbered with continuous index numbers. For each collision, the involved elements and the coordinates referring to the world coordinate system are listed.

The List of Collisions

For each found collision, the following information is displayed:

Note: You can configure the volume units the same way you configure other units: Home tab Settings panel (Project Settings). In the Project data window, go to Volume units and make the desired changes. The configured volume units will be displayed in the Clash Check results.

Double-clicking a line corresponding to a collision zooms directly to the collision solid.

The Toolbar

Icon Description
(Search marked objects) Displays a red arrow that shows the location of the collision solids.
(Clear marked objects) Turns off collision solids and the marking arrow.
(Ignore object) Ignores the selected collision. The collision is removed from the list.
(Reset ignored objects) Displays the list of all collisions again.