Modify the Group Content

A group may contain any random collection of objects that are otherwise unrelated. In some circumstances it is useful to identify the objects of a selected group within a model. You can highlight the objects of a group.

Change the set of objects within a group

You can add new objects to the group and also remove existing objects at any time.

Note: If deleting objects or removing them from a group leaves the group empty, the group remains defined.

Add Elements to a Group

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the group where you want to add elements.
  2. Select Add elements from the contextual menu.
  3. Select the elements to include in the group and press Enter.

Add Selected Elements to a Group

  1. Select the elements to include in the group using any selection method.
  2. In the Project Explorer, right-click the group where you want to add the elements and select Add elements from the contextual menu.

Remove Elements from a Group

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the group from which you want to remove elements.
  2. Select Remove elements from the contextual menu.
  3. Select the elements to remove from the group and press Enter.