Beam Dialog: Naming tab

On this tab of the beam properties dialog box allows you to define the information to display in the BOM lists. You can also select the properties to be taken into account during numbering.

Option Description
Single part mark

Defines the single part mark assigned to the element.

The check box in front of the single part and main part mark cannot be changed. It only indicates whether the beam is a main part or an attached part.

Single part prefix Defines the prefix for the single part mark. You can also change the prefix using the Assign/change prefix command.
Single part Displays the name of the single part.
The Define as main part button Allows you to define the selected element as a main part of an assembly, before numbering the elements. Clicking this button displays three new fields for the assembly mark and prefix and for the main part.
Assembly mark Defines the assembly mark assigned to the element.
Assembly prefix Defines the prefix for the assembly mark. You can also change the prefix using the Assign/change prefix command.
Main part Displays the name of the main part.
Model role

Assigns the role of the element in the structure.

  • If the object is created by a connection or a structural element macro, the appropriate role is assigned automatically.
  • If the object is created manually, then the model role must be manually specified.

The model role is considered, for example, in the drawing creation to assign a presentation, dimensioning and labeling style. An object set as a column is dimensioned and labeled differently by the automatic detailing process than an object set as a beam.

The model role is used by the prefix tool to assign prefixes but it is not used directly for numbering.

Lot/Phase Defines the lot or the phase the element is assigned to.
Commodity number Defines the commodity number of the element.
Predefined remark Notes concerning the element that you can save in a database and use directly from the Predefined remark drop-down list.
Free remark Other notes concerning the element.