Blend Curve Add Points

Adds control points (constraints) to an existing blend curve. If an end point of a blend curve is active, using this tool extends the blend curve.

Access the Blend Curve Add Points tool from the Blend Curve Toolbox:

Blend Curve Add Points workflow Options

To add a point interior to a blend curve, choose Pick > Nothing and then click and drag on the blend curve to place a new point.

Insert blend points inside a blend curve

  1. Select the Blend Curve Add Points tool .
  2. Click the blend curve to insert a blend point.

Add blend points to the end of a blend curve

  1. Pick the blend point at either end of the curve.
  2. Select the Blend Curve Add Points tool .
  3. Click to add blend points to the end of the curve.

Remove the picked blend point

  • Press Delete.