Builds geometry that connects selected edges or faces to each other. Use this tool to connect subdivision objects together or to fill gaps in the same subdivision object with new geometry.
You can use a profile curve to direct path of the bridge geometry, which can better define the resulting shape.
Access the tool from the Subdivision Palette:
Subdivision Bridge settings
Faces - Choose this to select and bridge faces.
Edges - Choose this to select and bridge edges.
Specifies the number of faces in the bridging geometry.
This option is available only when a guide curve is selected. Use Rotation to rotate the curve around the axis of the bridge geometry, which is the center point between the start and end of the selected edge.
When you bridge edges between two separate subdivision bodies, or between faces on the same object, edge direction can be ambiguous and result in a twist. Use Flip direction options to flip the edge direction to get the desired result.
Flip direction 1 controls the direction of the first selected set of edges or faces, while Flip direction 2 controls the second set. Manipulator arrows display on the source and target edges to indicate their current direction. You can also use these manipulators to change edge direction as alternative to using the Flip direction options. You can change the edge direction before or after bridging the geometry as long as the Bridge tool is still activated.
Bridge tool workflow