To Re-Import Styles for a Tool

Use this procedure to re-import the style of a tool that uses a style from an external Styles drawing.

When you create a tool, you can assign a style from the current drawing or from an external Styles drawing. Usually you assign a style from an external Styles drawing because you can then use that the tool in other drawings as well.

When the style in the external Styles drawing is changed, you need to update the tool to reflect these changes.

Note: When you update the style of a tool, all existing objects inserted with this tool are also updated.
  1. Open the tool palette that contains the tool for which you want to update the style.
  2. Select the tool, right-click, and click Import <Style Name> <Object Name> Style.

    For example, if you want to update the Brick-4 Furring-4 style of a wall tool, click Import ‘Brick-4 Furring-4’ Wall Style.