Use these suggestions to work efficiently and productively with curtain wall styles:
- Name grids and elements very clearly to identify where they are used and what they are. For example, use the name L3-FL1-H to represent a third-level grid used on the first floor and which has a horizontal division.
- Use the element definition that is applied most often as the default element definition. For example, if most cells are stone panels, define the default infill as the stone panel. This panel is then used in every cell that is not specifically assigned to another infill. Apply this rule to the default frame, mullion, and division.
- Use curtain wall units and door and window assemblies to simplify the complexity of a curtain wall style.
- Name the styles for doors, windows, curtain wall units, AEC polygons, and curtain walls to indicate where they are used and what they are.
- Use cell and edge overrides to define special conditions not accounted for in the curtain wall style.