To Add a Design Rule to a 2D Section Style

Use this procedure to add a design rule to a 2D section style. A design rule has four fields of information that identify lines in the section and determine how to display them:

Field Description
Color Identifies the color of the objects in the building model represented by lines in the section.
Context Identifies the context of the lines in the 2D section, such as on the defining line (the cutting plane) or in a graphic subdivision.
Component Identifies the display component to which the lines are assigned.
Description Contains a description of the design rule.

For example, a design rule has the color 50, a context of Within Subdivision 2, and a component of New. This rule assigns any lines in the section representing objects that have the color 50 in the building model and that are within subdivision 2 in the section to the user-defined display component, New.

You can also specify that all hidden linework that is not handled by a specific design rule will be assigned to the Hidden display component. You could use this option if you want to generate a section of an object or a set of objects and see all edges, for example, if you are creating foundations and formwork.

Note: Alternatively, you can define which hidden linework should be displayed by object material.
  1. Select a section that has the style you want to change, and click 2D Section/Elevation tabGeneral panelEdit Style drop-downEdit Style.
  2. Click the Design Rules tab, and click Add.

    A new design rule is created with default color, context, and component values.

  3. Specify settings for the new design rule:
    If you want to… Then…
    specify the color of objects in the building model that are affected by this rule click the default color, select a new color, and click OK.
    specify the context in which the linework for the objects appears in the section click the default context, and select a new context.
    select the display component for the linework click the default component, and select a new component.
    enter a description of the rule click the Description field, enter a description, and press Enter.
  4. To place all hidden linework on the Hidden display component, select Keep all hidden linework.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Update the section to apply the style changes to the section.