Creates a revision cloud.


Revision cloud annotations are used for marking up to-be-revised areas in a drawing. Formerly available as content blocks in DesignCenter, these annotations are now available through tools on the tool palettes and in Content Browser.

The following prompts are displayed.

Specify Freehand First Point

Specify the first point of the revision cloud in the drawing area. The default type is freehand.

Symbol Block

Specify the symbol block name. Selecting ? lists the existing symbol blocks available in the drawing.

Pline Color

Specify the revision cloud colour.

Arc Length

Specify the arc length. The maximum arc length cannot be set to more than three times the minimum arc length.

Pline Width

Specify the revision cloud polyline width.

Create Type

Specify the revision cloud shape, the options are freehand, object, polygonal and rectangular.

Reverse Direction
Reverses the direction of sequential arcs on the revision cloud.