About Property Set Data

Objects to be included in schedule tables or linked to tags must have property set data attached to them. Schedule tables and tags do not store any data, but extract and display property set data from the associated objects.

Property set data is collected from one or more property sets attached to an object or a style. Some property data, such as a dimension, comes from automatic properties of the object or the object style and cannot be manually entered, such as dimensions. Other property data consists of manual properties for which you must enter values for each object or object style, such as manufacturer’s name.

Attention: If an entity or style containing a property set is copied from a source drawing into a target drawing that already contains a property set with the same name, the property set in the target drawing does not change. There is a potential for a loss of data in this case. For example, assume a property set in one drawing has a number of manual properties defined and is attached to a door style with manual property values set. This door style is then copied into another drawing that contains a duplicate property set that does not have the same manual properties defined. In the target drawing the door style will contain the target drawing’s property set, not the source drawing’s property set. Any data values associated with the source drawing’s manual properties will be lost.