About When to Start With Views

Typically, you create view drawings and model space views after you have defined levels, divisions, and the basic constructs. For example, you could create the following series of views for individual floors: First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Basement Plan, Roof Plan. You could also create a series of views based on plan type, such as: Plan View, Model View, Reflected View. Another approach could be by function; for example: Walls, Framing, Furniture. Only constructs can be referenced into a view drawing. To see elements in a view, they must be referenced by a construct.

First floor plan (top) and framing plan (bottom)

Working in a view, you add tags, dimension the building objects, and create a schedule table. Tags and schedule tables may contain a number of project properties, such as level and division assignments.

After you have assembled a view drawing, you can create model space views in it. These model space views are later placed on sheets, creating sheet views.