To Specify the Display of Other Characteristics of a Wall Style

Use this procedure to specify other display properties for the wall style, such as whether to display complex endcaps, to show door and window frames, or whether to show the miter of specific wall components. These display properties apply only to display representations, such as Plan, that are used in the Top view (plan view) of a drawing.

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  2. Expand Architectural Objects, and expand Wall Styles.
  3. Select the wall style that you want to change.
  4. Click the Display Properties tab.
  5. Select the display representation where you want the changes to appear, and select Style Override.
  6. If necessary, click .
  7. Click the Other tab.
  8. Select the display properties for the wall style:
    If you want to … Then …
    display the component lines within the wall above the cut plane (for example, through a window or door in the wall) select Display Inner Lines Above. Clear this option if you do not want to display these lines.
    display the component lines within the wall below the cut plane (for example, through a window or door in the wall) select Display Inner Lines Below. Clear this option if you do not want to display these lines.
    turn off lines below a window, door or opening at the cut plane select Hide Lines Below Openings at Cut Plane. Clear this option if you want to display the lines.
    turn off lines below a window, door or opening above the cut plane select Hide Lines Below Openings Above Cut Plane. Clear this option if you want to display the lines.
    display complex wall and opening endcaps select Display Endcaps. Clear this option to display complex endcaps as a single line.
    display door openings cutting the wall at the outer edge of the door frame select Cut Door Frames. Clear this option if you want door openings to cut the wall at the inside of the door frame.
    display window openings cutting the wall at the outer edge of the window frame select Cut Window Frames. Clear this option if you want window openings to cut the wall at the inside of the window frame.
    draw wall components by their priority number to control the display of a component over another component select Component Draw Order by Priority. Clear this option if you want to draw the components in the order that they were created.
    perform a slice of the actual 3-dimensional (3D) model at each cut plane to obtain more accurate views of walls with sweeps or body modifiers select Do True Cut. Clear this option if the wall does not have sweeps or body modifiers, or if they do not change along the height of the wall.
    display miter lines at wall corners for selected wall components under Draw Miter for Components, select each component whose miter lines you want to display.
  9. Click OK.