To Create a Material Boundary in a 2D Section

Use this procedure to create a material boundary in a 2D section.

  1. Draw a polyline around the area in the section that you want to mask or to highlight.
  2. Select the section, and click 2D Section/Elevation tabMaterial Boundary panelAdd.
  3. Select the polyline.
  4. Enter y (Yes) to erase the polyline, or n (No) to keep the polyline in the drawing.
  5. Specify the settings of the material boundary:
    If you want to… Then…
    highlight the area inside the polyline select Limit for Purpose.
    mask (erase) the area inside the polyline select Erase for Purpose.
    apply the highlight or mask only to specific parts of the section select the appropriate parts for Apply to. You can choose Surface and Section Hatching, Section Hatching Only, Surface Hatching Only, Edge Linework Only, and All Linework.
    apply the material boundary to all materials used in the section select All Materials for Material Selection.
    apply the material boundary only to selected materials select Specific Materials for Material Selection and then select the desired materials in the list below.
    apply the highlighting or masking within the polyline to the shrinkwrap linework select Apply to section shrinkwrap linework.
    apply the highlighting or masking within the polyline to the shrinkwrap hatching select Apply to section shrinkwrap hatching.
  6. Click OK.