To Apply the Properties of a Tool to an Existing Object

Use this procedure to apply the properties of a tool to an existing object.

You can apply the properties of a tool to an existing object in two ways:

  1. Open the tool palette that contains the tool with the properties you want to apply to a different object.
  2. Select the tool, and right-click.
  3. Define the object type to which to apply the tool properties:
    if you want to… Then…
    apply the properties of the tool to an object of the same type click Apply Tool Properties to <Object>. For example, to apply the tool properties of a door tool to an existing door, click Apply Tool Properties to Door.
    apply the properties of the tool to an object of a different type click Apply Tool Properties to <Object>. For example, to apply the tool properties of a door tool to an opening, click Apply Tool Properties to Door/Window Assembly, Opening, Window.
  4. Select the object to which to apply the tool properties, and press Enter.