To Close All Project Files

Use one of the following methods to close all drawing files in the current project.

If you want to… Then…
always close all project files, close the Project Navigator, and exit the project environment when you click select Always perform selected action, and then click Close all project files.
always close the Project Navigator and exit the project environment but leave all project files open, when you click select Always perform selected action, and then click Do not close project files.

This option lets you work on the files outside the project environment so that you do not accidentally make changes to the project.

close all project files, close the Project Navigator, and exit the project environment for this instance click Close all project files.
close the Project Navigator and exit the project environment but leave all project files open for this instance click Do not close project files.

This option lets you work on the files outside the project environment so that you do not accidentally make changes to the project.

Note: When you select Always perform selected action, the Close project drawings when switching projects option on the AEC Project Defaults tab of the Options dialog box is also selected. Note also that the Project Browser - Close Project Files dialog box becomes a hidden message. It will not display when you click until you turn it back on.