Sheets Included in the Template Project

Several basic sheets have been included in this Template Project. Some of the sheets already include viewports, such as the floor plans. Others are empty sheets ready to place views on. Drag a view file or named model space view within a View file from Project Navigator and drop it on the sheet.

Sheets are organized in a sheet set and subsets. The list of sheets includes the following:

General G-100, Cover Sheet
Architectural: General A-100, Site Plan
Architectural: Plans A-101, Floor Plans A-102, Floor Plans A-103,Floor Plans A-104, Floor Plans
Architectural: Elevations A-201, Building Elevations A-202, Building Elevations
Architectural: Sections A-301, Building Sections
Architectural: Large Scale Views A-401, Enlarged Plans A-402, Interior Elevations
Architectural: Details A-501, Details
Architectural: Schedules and Diagrams A-601, Schedules
Architectural: 3D Representations A-901, 3D Diagrams