To Place a View Drawing Onto a Sheet

When a view drawing is dragged onto a sheet to create a sheet view, the model space settings (the viewport scale, layer settings, and display configuration) of the view drawing are used in the sheet view.

When generating a model space view or a new view drawing from a callout tool, you define the drawing scale to be used. This scale is also used in any sheet views generated from the view.

Layer changes (including xref dependent layer changes) from the view drawing can be displayed and updated in the sheet view, if the project has been set up to synchronize sheets with views.

If a project has been set up to synchronize view drawing layers with sheet view layers, viewport layer overrides in sheet views will be overwritten by the layer configuration of the view drawing when the external references are loaded or reloaded. If not, layers and xrefed layers in the sheet view will behave as normal.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator .
  2. On the Sheets tab, click (Sheet Set View) on the title bar.
  3. In the Sheet Set view, locate the sheet into which you want to reference the view drawing.
  4. Open the sheet using one of the following methods:
    • Select the sheet, right-click, and click Open.
    • Double-click the sheet.

    The drawing containing the sheet opens in the drawing area. The sheet you selected is the active layout.

  5. On the Project Navigator palette, click the Views tab.
  6. Select the view drawing you want to place on the sheet, and drag it from the Drawing Explorer to the drawing area of the sheet.
    Tip: While inserting the view drawing on a sheet, you can change the scale of the resulting sheet view by right-clicking and selecting a different scale before defining the insertion point. After creating the sheet view, you can change its scale on the Properties palette.
    Note: Sheet views are inserted with their own layer key. By default, the sheet view layer is G-Anno-Nplt.