To Add a Gable to the Roof Line of a Curtain Wall

Use this procedure to add a gable to the roof line of a curtain wall. You can also add a gable on the Roof/Floor Line worksheet on the Properties palette.

Note: This option is available only if the roof line has not been edited. After the roof line changes, you cannot add a gable using this option.
  1. Select the curtain wall, and click Curtain Wall tab Modify panel Roof/Floor Line drop-down Edit In Place. A temporary profile is created for you to edit the geometry of the Roof line.
  2. Click Edit In Place tab Profile panel Add Gable . If Add Gable cannot be selected, the roof line was previously edited.
  3. Select the roof line.

    Modifying a curtain wall roof line by adding a gable

    A third vertex is added to the roof line halfway between the two ends of the roof line.

  4. Continue editing the roof line or the floor line, if needed.
  5. Save or discard the changes:
    If you want to … Then …
    restore the roof line and the floor line to their shape before editing click Edit in Place tabEdits panelCancel.
    save the changes click Edit in Place tabEdits panelFinish.