About Creating Element Definitions for a Curtain Wall Unit Style

Element definitions determine the appearance of the four basic curtain wall unit elements. There is a different definition type for each element.

Element type Default definitions
Divisions Horizontal grid with two manual divisions offset from the top and the bottom of the grid
Cell Infills Cells containing simple panels
Frames Left, right, top, and bottom outer edges of grid 3" wide and 3" deep
Mullions Edges between cells 1" wide and 3" deep

Each type of element can have multiple definitions. For example, you can define a division to create a horizontal grid or a vertical grid, and you can define the cells to contain a nested grid or a panel infill. To make reuse easier, you can save the element definitions, and then assign them to grids, cells, frames, or mullions as needed.

Element definitions are style-specific. When you create element definitions for a specific curtain wall unit style, those definitions are available only for curtain wall units of that style. For example, if you define a panel infill for one curtain wall unit style, that infill is not available as an option when you edit a curtain wall unit of a different style.