To Merge Door and Window Assembly Cells

Use this procedure to merge two door/window assembly cells.

Note: To merge door/window assembly cells, the cell markers need to be visible.

You can only merge cells that are adjacent to each other.

In most cases, you merge cells with the same infill type. The merged cell is then of the same type as the original cells. For example, if you merge two solid panel infills, the resulting merged cell also has a solid panel infill. In some cases however, you might want to merge two cells that have different infill types. In that case, the infill type of the first selected cell is used for the merged cell. For example, if you want to merge a cell with a simple panel infill and a cell with a window infill, and you select the cell with the simple panel first during the merge command, the merged cell contains a simple panel infill, not a window. If you select the two cells in the opposite order, the merged cell contains a window and no simple panel infill.

Merging two Door/Window Assembly cells

  1. Select the door/window assembly on which you want to merge two cells.
  2. Click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Infill drop-down Merge.
  3. Select the first cell to be merged.
  4. Select the second cell to be merged.

    The cells are merged into one.

  5. Specify where you want to save the door/window assembly override:
    If you want to save the override… Then…
    only on this specific door/window assembly no further steps are necessary. The override is saved to the door/window assembly. For information about how to remove an override from a door/window assembly, see To Create a Division Override.
    save the override to a door/window assembly style select the door/window assembly, click Door/Window Assembly tabModify panelDesign Rules drop-downTransfer To Object.
  6. If you chose to save the override to a door/window assembly style, select the door/window assembly again, click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Design Rules drop-down Save to Style. Then choose the door/window assembly style in which to save the override.
    If you want to… Then…
    save the override to the current door/window assembly style select Transfer Merge Operations to Style, and click OK.
    Note: If you have created only a cell merge, only the Transfer Merge Operations to Style check box is active. If you have also created other overrides, such as a new cell assignment or a frame or mullion edge override, these check boxes are available as well. If you also want to save these overrides to the style, select their check boxes too.
    save the override to a new door/window assembly style select Transfer Merge Operations to Style, and click New. Then, enter a name for the new door/window assembly style, and click OK.
    Note: If you have created only a cell merge, only the Transfer Merge Operations to Style check box is active. If you have also created other overrides, such as a new cell assignment or a frame or mullion edge override, these check boxes are available as well. If you also want to save these overrides to the style, select their check boxes too.
    Note: If you do not want to save the override back to a style at all, click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Design Rules drop-down Revert to Style Design Rules. The overrides still remain on the door/window assembly, where they can be removed, but they are not saved back to a door/window assembly style.