To Specify Step Settings for a Roof Line or Floor Line

Use this procedure to add a step to the roof line or the floor line of a curtain wall.

Modifying a curtain wall roof line by adding a gable

Note: This option is available only when the roof line or the floor line has not been edited. After the line has been changed, you cannot automatically add a step using this option.
  1. Select the curtain wall, and click Curtain Wall tab Modify panel Roof/Floor Line drop-down Roof/Floor Line Settings.
  2. Select Edit Roof Line or Edit Floor Line.
  3. Click Add Step.

    A third vertex is added to the line halfway between the two ends of the line. A step is created from the selected vertex to the second vertex.

    The table at the top displays information about each vertex in the curtain wall. You can select a vertex to edit from the list.

  4. Click OK.