Use this procedure to specify the text style, zone marker size, and zone connection line arrow for a selected zone. You can also specify whether the zone hatch is used only for directly attached spaces of for those attached through subzones as well.
- Double-click the zone.
- On the Properties palette, click the Display tab.
- Under the General category, for Display component, verify that *NONE* is selected.
- For Display controlled by, select This object.
Note: To apply your changes to all zones in the drawing, select Drawing default setting. To apply changes to all zones of this style, select Zone Style:<style name>.
- For Display representation, verify that the desired display representation is selected.
- If necessary, expand Object Display Properties
- Click
Additional properties.
- Under Name, for Text Style, select a style for the zone name from the drop-down list, or click the worksheet button, and create a new text style, which will then be selectable from the list.
- For Height, enter the desired value.
- Under Marker, specify whether you want to define the scaling for the zone marker:
If you want to display the marker at… |
Then… |
1/50 of the screen size |
clear User Defined Scaling. |
the scale you specify |
select User Defined Scaling, and enter the desired values for Width and Height. |
- Under Arrow, enter the desired value for Arrow Size.
- Specify which spaces will inherit the hatch of the zone:
If you want to… |
Then… |
use the zone hatch only for directly attached spaces |
clear Draw All. |
use the zone hatch for all directly attached spaces and all spaces attached through another zone |
select Draw All. |
- Click OK.