MVSETUP in Model Space

Instead of using layouts in paper space, you can set up a drawing for plotting directly from model space.

In model space, you can set the unit style, drawing scale factor, and paper size at the Command prompt using MVSETUP. Using the settings you provide, a rectangular border is drawn at the grid limits at the correct size relative to the model.

When the TILEMODE system variable is set to 1 (model space is active and paper space is turned off), the following prompt is displayed:

Enable paper space? [No/Yes] <Y>: Enter n or press Enter

Choosing Yes sets TILEMODE to 0 and proceeds using MVSETUP in paper space on a layout.

Entering n displays alist of available units and prompts for the scale factor and paper size:

Enter units type [Scientific/Decimal/Engineering/Architectural/Metric]: Enter an option

Enter the scale factor: Enter a value

Enter the paper width: Enter a value

Enter the paper height: Enter a value

A bounding box is drawn at the grid limits and the command ends. When you are ready to plot, you specify the scale factor to fit the drawing to the paper or sheet.