To Work With Plot Scale Settings

Use a Real-World Scale

  1. Click Output tabPlot panelPlot. Find
  2. In the Plot dialog box, under Plot Scale, select a scale from the Scale box.
  3. Click OK to plot the drawing.

Use a Custom Scale

  1. Click Output tabPlot panelPlot. Find
  2. In the Plot dialog box, under Plot Scale, enter a custom scale. The scale requires two values, the number of plotted units (inches or mm) per the number of drawing units. The type of unit is determined by the paper size, but you can change it in the list box.

    If you enter a custom scale, Custom is automatically selected in the Scale box, even if the scale you enter is the same as a standard scale in the list. A custom scale is the ratio between the plotted units and drawing units. For example, 1:12 and 2:24 are plotted at the same scale.

  3. Click OK to plot the drawing.

Scale a Drawing to Fit the Page

  1. Click Output tabPlot panelPlot. Find
  2. In the Plot dialog box, under Plot Scale, select the Fit to Paper option.

    The resulting scale is automatically calculated. The ratio of plotted units to drawing units in the custom scale boxes is displayed.

  3. Click OK to plot the drawing.
Note: This option is not available when the Plot Area is set to Layout.