To Save and Name a View

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you have more than one viewport in model space, click inside the viewport containing the view that you want to save.
    • If you are working in a layout, double-click inside the layout viewport containing the view that you want to save.
    • If you want to save a view of part of the layout, make sure that you are in paper space by double-clicking outside any layout viewports.
  2. Click View tab Views panel View Manager. Find

    The View tab is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter VIEW at the Command prompt.

  3. In the View Manager, click New.
  4. In the New View dialog box, View Name box, enter a name for the view.

    If the drawing is part of a sheet set, the view categories for the sheet set are listed. You can add a category or select one from the list.

  5. In the Boundary section, select one of the following options to define the area of the view:
    • Current Display. Includes all of the drawing that is currently visible.
    • Define Window. Saves part of the current display. The dialog box closes while you use the pointing device in the drawing to specify opposite corners of the view. To redefine the window, click the Define View Window button.
  6. Click OK on each dialog box to save the new view.