More Options (Hatch and Gradient Dialog Box)

Controls the operation of islands and boundaries.

HATCH (Command) Find: Specify the settings option at the prompt > More Options

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Specifies the method used to hatch or fill boundaries within the outermost boundary.

Island Detection

Controls whether internal closed boundaries, called islands, are detected. (HPISLANDDETECTIONMODE system variable)


Hatches or fills inward from the outer boundary. If an internal island is encountered, hatching or filling is turned off until another island within the island is encountered. (HPISLANDDETECTION system variable)

Outer (Recommended)

Hatches or fills inward from the outer boundary. This option hatches or fills only the specified area and leaves the internal islands unaffected. (HPISLANDDETECTION system variable)


Ignores all internal objects and hatches or fills through them. (HPISLANDDETECTION system variable)

The Normal, Outer, and Ignore options are also available from a shortcut menu by right-clicking in the drawing area while you specify points or select objects to define your boundaries.

Boundary Retention

Specifies whether to create an object that encloses the hatch.

Retain Boundaries

Creates an object that encloses each hatch object. (HPBOUNDRETAIN system variable)

Object Type

Controls the type of the new boundary object. The resulting boundary object can be either a polyline or a region object. This option is available only when Retain Boundaries is selected. (HPBOUND system variable)

For more information about regions, see Create and Combine Areas (Regions).

Boundary Set

Defines the set of objects analyzed when defining a boundary from a specified point. The selected boundary set has no effect when you use Select Objects to define a boundary.

By default, when you use the Add: Pick Point option to define a boundary, HATCH analyzes all objects in the current viewport extents. By redefining the boundary set, you can disregard certain objects when defining boundaries without having to hide or remove those objects. For large drawings, redefining the boundary set can also produce the boundary faster because HATCH examines fewer objects.

Current Viewport

Defines the boundary set from all objects within the extents of the current viewport.

Existing Set

Defines the boundary set from the objects selected with the New option.


Specifies a limited set of objects for evaluation by the pick point when creating the hatch.

Gap Tolerance

Sets the maximum size of gaps that can be ignored when objects are used as a hatch boundary. The default value, 0, specifies that the objects must enclose the area with no gaps.

Enter a value, in drawing units, from 0 to 5000 to set the maximum size of gaps that can be ignored when the objects serve as a hatch boundary. Any gaps equal to or smaller than the value you specify are ignored, and the boundary is treated as closed. ( HPGAPTOL system variable)

Inherit Options

Controls whether to inherit the hatch origin when you create a hatch with the Inherit Properties option. (HPINHERIT system variable)

Use Current Origin

Uses the current hatch origin setting.

Use Source Hatch Origin

Uses the hatch origin of the source hatch.