Plot Stamp Dialog Box


List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Plot Stamp Fields

Specifies the drawing information that you want to include with the plot stamp. The selected fields are separated by commas and a space.

Drawing Name

Includes the drawing name and path in the plot stamp information.

Layout Name

Includes the name of the layout in the plot stamp information.

Date and Time

Includes the date and time in the plot stamp information.

Note: A plot stamp uses the current date and time format setting of the operating system. Plot stamp specifically uses the short date style for dates.
Login Name

Includes the user login name in the plot stamp information.

Device Name

Includes the current plotting device name in the plot stamp information.

Paper Size

Includes the paper size for the currently configured plotting device in the plot stamp information.

Plot Scale

Includes the plot scale in the plot stamp information.


Provides a visual display of the plot stamp location based on the location and rotation values you have specified in the Advanced Options dialog box. You cannot preview the plot stamp any other way. This is not a preview of the plot stamp contents.

User Defined Fields

Includes additional text that can be plotted, logged, or both plotted and logged when you plot. The specified value in each user-defined list will be plotted.

For example, you might include one list with media types or prices, and another one with job names. If the user-defined value is set to <none>, then no additional user-defined information is included with the plot stamp.


Displays the User Defined Fields dialog box, where you can add, edit, or delete user-defined fields.

Plot Stamp Parameter File

Stores plot stamp information in a file with a .pss extension. Multiple users can access the same file and stamp their plots based on company standard settings.

Two PSS files are provided, Mm.pss and Inches.pss, which are located in the Support folder. The initial default plot stamp parameter file name is determined by the regional settings of the operating system when the program is installed.


Specifies the location of the plot stamp parameter file.


Displays the Plotstamp Parameter File Name dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box) in which you can specify the location of the parameter file you want to use.

Save As

Saves the current plot stamp settings in a new parameter file.


Displays the Advanced Options dialog box, in which you can set the location, text properties, and units of the plot stamp. You can also create a log file, and set its location.

Note: Drawings created with an Autodesk product labeled Student Version in the title bar of the application window automatically use a plot stamp that reads, "PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION". The STUDENTDRAWING system variable reports whether the current drawing was created with an Autodesk Student Version product.