LAYVPI (Command)

Freezes selected layers in all layout viewports except the current viewport.


Isolates the layer of a selected object in the current viewport by freezing the layer in all but the current viewport. You can choose to isolate all layouts or only the current layout.

This command automates the process of using VP Freeze in the Layer Properties Manager. You select an object on each layer to be frozen in other layout viewports.

Note: LAYVPI works only when TILEMODE is set to 0 and when two or more paper space viewports are defined.

The following prompts are displayed.

Select Objects on the Layer to be Isolated in Viewport

Selects an object whose layer you want to isolate in a viewport.


Displays the Viewports and Block Definition setting types. The setting you choose persists from session to session.


Displays layout options for isolating layers.

  • All Layouts: In all layouts, isolates layers of selected objects in all but the current viewport
  • Current Layout: In the current layout, isolates layers of selected objects in all but the current viewport. This option persists from session to session.
Block Selection

Displays the Block Selection setting types, where you can freeze layers of selected objects.

  • Block: Isolates the layers of selected objects. If a selected object is nested in a block, the layer containing that block is isolated. If a selected object is nested in an xref, the layer of the object is isolated.
  • Entity: Isolates layers of selected objects even if they are nested in an xref or a block.
  • None: Isolates the layers of selected objects. If a block or an xref is selected, the layer containing that block or xref is isolated.