The Render window is divided into the following two panes:
Rendering from any drawing always appears in its corresponding Render window.
From here, you can
The following options are displayed.
Saves an image to a raster image file. For more information, see “About Saving a Rendered Image”.
You cannot use the SAVEIMG command when rendering to the Render window. This command applies only to rendering in a viewport.
Zooms into the rendered image in the Image pane. When zoomed in, you can pan around the image.
Zooms out of the rendered image in the Image pane.
Sends the rendered image to a specified system printer.
Aborts the current rendering.
Primary output target of the renderer.
The zoom factor ranges from 1% to 6400%. You can click the Zoom + and Zoom - buttons, or roll the mouse wheel to change the current zoom factor.
The progress meter displays the number of levels completed, the progress of the current iteration, and overall rendering time.
You can cancel a rendering by clicking Cancel along the top of the Render window or by pressing Esc.
The data stored in history entries includes
Any history entry that has a file name will be saved.
Right-clicking a history entry displays a menu that contains the following options:
Restarts the renderer for the selected history entry.
Displays the Render Output File dialog box where you can save the rendered image to disk.
Saves the image to a new location without affecting the location stored in the entry. The Render Output File dialog box is displayed.
Sets the render preset associated with the selected history entry current.
Removes the entry from the history while leaving any associated image files in place.
Removes the image file associated with the selected history entry from disk.