Insert/Edit Cable Marker (Parent Wire) Dialog Box

Combined Installation/Location tag mode version

 Command entry:  AECABLEMARKER

In the Insert Component dialog box, select the marker to insert from the Symbol Preview window and specify the insertion point.


Changes the installation codes. You can search the current drawing or entire project for installation codes. A quick read of all the current or selected drawing files is done and a list of installation codes used so far is returned. Select from the list to update the component with the installation code automatically.

Assign short installation codes to components like "PNL" and "FIELD" so you can create location-specific BOM and component lists later.


Changes the location codes. You can search the current drawing or entire project for location codes. A quick read of all the current or selected drawing files is done and a list of location codes used so far is returned. Select from the list to update the component automatically with the location code.

Assign short location codes to components like "PNL" and "FIELD." You can extract cable from/to reports and location-specific BOM reports later (for example, BOM for all field cables, BOM for all PNL cables).

Cable Tag

Any existing tags appear in the edit box. To define the cable tag, edit the tag or type a specific tag in the edit box. Select Fixed if you do not want this tag to update on a retag.

Use PLC address

Searches for a wire connection to a nearby PLC I/O address and, if found, uses the PLC address number in the tag name of the component.

Use end locations

Uses the location codes of the connecting components.

Tags: Used so far

Lists any cable tag names in the same family as the current cable. Select a tag from the list to copy, or to increment for this new cable marker.

External list file

Assigns a tag from an external list file.


Up to three lines of description attribute text can be entered. These lines are automatically filled with a copy of the description text of the parent if the parent TAG name is picked using one of the methods previously described.


Displays a list of descriptions found in the current drawing so you can pick similar descriptions to edit.


Displays a list of descriptions found in the project so you can pick similar descriptions to edit.


Opens an ASCII text file from which you can select standard descriptions.


Picks a description from a component on the current drawing.

Catalog Data

You can instruct AutoCAD Electrical toolset to do a drawing-wide or project-wide listing of similar cable markers with their catalog assignments. During your editing session, the last MFG / CAT / ASSYCODE assignment for each component type you insert into your wiring diagram is remembered. When you insert another component of that type, the catalog assignment of the previous component is set as the default. The assumption is that a previous one was made during the current editing session.


Lists the manufacturer number for the component. Enter a value or click Lookup and select one from the Catalog Browser.


Lists the catalog number for the component. Enter a value or click Lookup and select one from the Catalog Browser.


Lists the assembly code for the cable marker. The Assembly code is used to link multiple part numbers together.


Lists the item number for the component. Components with the same catalog receive the same item number.


Specifies the quantity number for the part number (blank=1). This value gets inserted into a “SUBQTY" column of a BOM report.


Opens the Catalog Browser from which you select the catalog value. Search the database for a specific catalog item to assign to the selected cable marker.


Scans the previous project to find an instance of the selected cable marker and returns the marker values. You can then make your catalog assignment by picking from the dialog box list.


Lists the part numbers used for similar cable markers in the current drawing.


Lists the part numbers used for similar components in the project. You can search in the active project, another project, or an external file.

  • Active project: All the drawings in the current project are scanned and the results are listed in a dialog box.
  • Other project: All the drawings in a selected project are scanned and the results are listed in a dialog box.
  • External file: Select from a list of catalog assignments contained in a text file. Assign a value to the appropriate category.

Multiple Catalog

Inserts or edits extra catalog part numbers for the selected component. These multiple BOM part numbers appear as subassembly part numbers to the main catalog part number in the various BOM reports.

Catalog Check

Displays what the selected item looks like in a Bill of Material template.

Wire Color/ID

Set the conductor color code by manually entering it in the edit box or selecting from the project, drawing, or generic pick list.


Select from a list of colors. The list is defined in the file, cblcolor.dat.


Lists the wire colors used for similar cable markers in the current drawing.


Lists the wire colors used for similar cable markers in the project.

Child conductor references

AutoCAD Electrical toolset automatically fills in cross-reference text when the cross-reference command is run.

Show/edit miscellaneous

View or edit any attributes that are not predefined AutoCAD Electrical toolset attributes.