Terminal Strip Table Generator Dialog Box

Creates drawing files with tabular terminal strip layouts.

 Command entry:  AETSEGENERATOR

Terminal Strip Selection

Lists all terminal strips in the active project. Select the terminal strips to use for automatically creating the drawing files. You can select a single terminal strip or multiple strips. Multiple strips can be selected using either the Shift or Control keys while highlighting rows, or by clicking and dragging the mouse. Terminal strips are created using an AutoCAD table object.

If multiple strips are selected, the terminal strip tables are created in the order shown. Sort the terminal strips by clicking a column header.

Table Settings

Table Style

Specifies the table style to use for the table. Select from the list or click Browse to browse to and select another drawing file whose table styles you want to use.

The list contains all table styles defined in the TableStyle.dwg and the active drawing.

Note: If the selected table style is not in the TableStyle.dwg file, it is added.

Define Columns

Defines the columns to include, order, headings, justification, and jumper circles display for the jumper chart.

Row Styles

Defines specific row styles to use for the selected table style. On the Select Row Cell Styles dialog box, select the table style and row cell styles to use and click OK.


Defines the specific layer for the tabular terminal strip to place on when inserted. On the Select Table Layer dialog box, select the layer name from the list of layers on the active drawing and click OK.

Table Title

Defines a title for the table. Enter a title, select from a list of variables or use a combination of both. When selecting from the list, the selection is added to the end of the string if one exists in the edit box.

Total Rows

Displays the total number of rows needed to create the terminal strip table layout. For example, even though the terminal strip contains only 86 terminals, the table format may present more rows in a multi-line terminal situation.

Number of Rows per Section

Displays the number of rows per section as defined on the Table Settings dialog box.

Number of Sections

Displays the number of sections needed based on the total rows and the number of rows per section.

Number of Sections per Drawing

Displays the number of sections to place on each drawing as defined on the Table Settings dialog box.

Number of Drawings

Displays the number of drawings necessary to generate the terminal strip using the current table settings.


Defines the table settings such as number of rows per section, number of sections per drawing, table, and section placement, section offset, scale, angle, first drawing name if a new drawing is needed, and the template to use for any new drawings generated.


Browses for any saved settings (in a *.tsl file) that you previously created.

Save As

Saves the settings to an external file (with extension *.tsl) that you can later reuse. The default folder location is the User folder in the Documents and Settings or Users location.


Uses the default settings for creating the table.



Creates new drawings for each table or table sections based on the defined table settings and adds the drawings to the active project.

Note: If the selected strip is found in the project, existing table sections are deleted and new drawings are created and new tables placed.


Updates existing tables that were already placed. If the terminal strip exists in the project, table sections are located, deleted, and rebuilt in place without prompting you to select a new insertion point.

Note: If the selected terminal strip is not found in the project, an alert displays asking if you want to insert the missing strip in a new drawing. If you click Yes, the terminal strip is inserted. If you click No, the terminal strip is not inserted. The terminal strips that were found are updated.


Refreshes the data within an existing tabular terminal strip; a new table is not inserted.

Note: If the selected terminal strip is not found in the project, an alert displays asking if you want to insert the missing strip in a new drawing. If you click Yes, the terminal strip is inserted. If you click No, the terminal strip is not inserted. The terminal strips that were found are updated.