Edit Report Dialog Box

Edits the report data.

Click Edit Mode on the Report Generator dialog box.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Note: Options vary based on the report type.

New Lines

Indicates to add new lines above or below the selected line, or as a sub-assembly of the selected line.

Add from Catalog
Opens a dialog box where you can select the catalog table and then a catalog value from the Catalog Browser.
Add New
Opens a dialog box where you can enter the values for each field included in the report.
Add Copy
Creates a copy of the selected line entry and opens a dialog box where you can update the values for each field included in the report.


Opens a dialog box where you can edit the values for the selected line.


Removes the selected line from the report. If the selected line is part of a multi-line entry, all lines are removed. Subassembly lines are not removed automatically with the main entry.

Reorder Lines

Move Up
Moves the currently selected lines up one place in the report.
Move Down
Moves the currently selected lines down one place in the report.
Move to Top
Moves the currently selected lines to the top of the report.
Move to Bottom
Moves the currently selected lines to the bottom of the report.


Swaps the From and To field values in a report that contains wiring information. Each line item in the report can include two connected components, referred to as the From and To components. The From field labels end in a 1 and the To field labels end in a 2.