Panel Component Layers Dialog Box

Sets the panel component layers, non-text graphic layers, and nameplate layers.

 Command entry:  AEPANELCONFIG

When AutoCAD Electrical toolset inserts a footprint, it is modified on the fly to match the layering scheme set up in this dialog box.

Click the Layers Setup button.

Panel Component Layers

Lists all of the component layers. Change the layer name for a tag by entering a new name in the edit box. If you do not want an attribute moved to a PNL layer, place that attribute on some other layer than “0” on the block. Then, click the Ignore above for symbol's non-layer “0” entities toggle.

Non-text Graphic Layers

When a panel component is inserted, the block is inserted on the current layer if it is one of those listed in the "Non-text Graphics" layer list (wild-cards allowed). If the current layer is not in this list, the block is inserted on the first layer in the list. Attributes are moved to the layer defined for its type.

Nameplate Layers

Lists existing nameplate layers for the graphics, tags, and descriptions.


(Available if a layer exists already) Freezes or thaws any of the panel layers.


Performs a global find and replace on the layer names.