Adds or modifies the type of terminal being used.
FindRight-click in the terminal grid control section of the dialog box, and select Edit Terminal from the menu.
The dialog box options enable depending on the fields selected at the time the dialog box was activated. For example, if you select the Show and Spacing Factor fields for multiple terminal entries in the Terminal Grid Control section of the PLC Database File Editor dialog box and then you activate this dialog box, you can update both fields through this dialog box for the selected terminals.
Lists the terminal categories to select from. Top Input and Top Output are addressable terminals, while the Top Terminal category consists of non-addressable terminals. Other categories to select from are Input, Output, and Terminal.
Displays the types for the terminal category. Browse the list of images to determine which terminal type is appropriate for the terminal.
Shows an image of the terminals that were recently used.
Specifies whether to show terminals that are not used. If the 'Include unused/extra connections' option in the Module Layout dialog box is selected, all terminal entries marked (in the PLC Database File Editor dialog box) with 'when excluding unused' are skipped.
Specifies whether to prompt for a new beginning address number when the parametric build flips from inputs to outputs or from outputs to inputs. On the line where you want AutoCAD Electrical toolset to reprompt for a new output address, select Output. If you want AutoCAD Electrical toolset to reprompt for a new input address, select Input from the list.
Specifies for the module to break automatically after a specific terminal type. To activate the prompt for an automatic break in the PLC module, check the Break After check box.
Overrides the current rung spacing for I/O and wire connection point spacing. For example, a value of 2 causes AutoCAD Electrical toolset to insert the point down two times the rung spacing instead of a full rung spacing.