Title Block Setup Dialog Box

Defines what pieces of AutoCAD Electrical toolset project data or drawing specific data that AutoCAD Electrical toolset should copy to each attribute on the title block.


Specify the title block link method, enter a block name, and click OK.

The information is written to the WDT file or the WD_TB attribute depending on the method chosen.

Project Values

Title block name

Lists the available title block names.

Add New

Adds new title blocks to the project. Enter a block name. For multiple blocks, separate with a comma. For example, DEMOTBLK,DEMOTBLK2,DEMOTBLK3


Edits the selected title block.


Removes the selected title block.

Pick on

Selects an attribute directly on the drawing if you do not know the name of attribute.


Specifies the attribute to use for the drawing, project, or plotting value. Select an attribute from the list.

Project Value

Shows the current project description line values.

Displays the first set of description lines.

Displays the previous set of description lines.

Displays the next set of description lines.

Displays the last set of description lines, where one of the lines has a value.

Drawing Values

Switches the display to show drawing and plotting values.

User Defined

Opens the Title Block Setup - User Defined dialog box where you map attributes to text constants or AutoLISP values.

Drawing and Plotting Values

Shows the available drawing and plotting values available that can be assigned to an attribute.

Drawing (%D value)

The %D value of the drawing settings.


The file name without an extension.


The file name with the appropriate extension.

Full Filename

The full file name and the path name where the file is located.

Drawing Description 1, 2, 3

The drawing descriptions assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

Drawing Section

The drawing section code assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

Drawing Sub-section

The drawing subsection code assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

IEC Project Code

Project value of the drawing assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

IEC Installation Code

Installation value of the drawing assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

IEC Location Code

Location value of the drawing assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

Sheet (%S value)

The %S value of the drawing settings.

Previous Sheet (%S value)

Sheet (%S value) value for the previous drawing in the project.

Next Sheet (%S value)

Sheet (%S value) value for the next drawing in the project.

Sheet maximum

The maximum count of drawings in the project.


The time the drawing is plotted. Assign the format you prefer to the attribute.


The date the drawing is plotted. Assign the format you prefer to the attribute.

Note: Plotting values are only updated when using the Plot Project command from Project Manager.