Creates a spreadsheet file from a RSLogix file to use with the Spreadsheet to PLC I/O Utility.
In RSLogix, export your RSLogix 500 file into .EAS format.
Click Import/Export Data tab Import panelRSLogix 500. Find
Select an .EAS or .CSV file and click Open.
In the RSLogix 500 Import dialog box, select whether the I/O points should be displayed in 8, 16, or 32-point groupings.
Pick an I/O module for each set of I/O points. Enter it in the edit box, select from the PLC dialog box using Browse, or select from the already used list once you have some modules selected.
Click OK to assign the module and move on to the next set of points.
(Optional) To change a module assignment, select the module assignment and click Change. In the RSLogix 500 Import Change Module dialog box, change the selected module part number by entering the new module name in the edit box, selecting it from the PLC dialog box using Browse, or selecting it from the already used list once you have some modules selected. Click OK to assign the module and return to the Input Module dialog box.
(Optional) Click Omit to skip a set of points, or click Future to skip the points and add information so AutoCAD Electrical toolset adds a blank column when generating the drawing from the spreadsheet.
Enter a name for the spreadsheet once a module was assigned for each set of points. Click Save.
Use Microsoft Excel to modify your spreadsheet as needed.
To create the PLC drawing, click Import/Export Data tabImport panelPLC I/O Utility. Find