Renumber Terminal Strip Dialog Box (Terminal Strip Editor)

Renumbers terminals within a terminal strip. You are prompted to insert the graphical terminal strip if you renumber a terminal that has one or more levels still available.

Note: You cannot renumber a terminal that uses a wire number as its terminal number. Additionally, duplicate terminal numbers are not restricted.
 Command entry:  AETSE

Make your selection on the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box and click Edit. On the Terminal Strip, Catalog Code Assignment, or Cable Information tab, select the level to modify. In the Terminals section, click Renumber Terminals.

Terminal Renumber starting with

Defines the starting value for the terminal numbers. This value can be alpha, numeric, or a combination of both. The default value is the lowest value of the selected terminals.

Start with Bottom Level

Indicates to process the terminals starting with the last level and work its way back to 1, in order (5,4,3,2,1). If unselected, the tool starts with level 1 and moves forward (1,2,3,4,5).

Ignore Alphanumeric Terminals

Indicates to process only the terminals that are a numeric value, all terminals containing an alpha character are ignored and are not renumbered.

Ignore Accessories

Indicates to ignore any accessories in the terminal strip during the renumber command.


Specifies whether to renumber the terminal based on terminal or level. Per Terminal processes the entire terminal at a time while Per Level processes each level at a time.