Define Layers Dialog Box

Define the layers used for components, attributes, and wire numbers.

 Command entry:  AEPROPERTIES

In the Drawing Properties dialog box, click the Drawing Format tab. In the Layers section, click Define.

Note: You can also change layer properties using the Project Manager tool. In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. (To change the project default settings, right-click the project name, and select Properties. The settings are applied to new drawings). In the Drawing Format tab, Layers section, click Define.

The layer names you choose are what AutoCAD Electrical toolset uses as it inserts the parts and pieces of component symbols and wire numbers. It does not matter what layer is current at the time. If the layer name you enter does not exist when it comes time for AutoCAD Electrical toolset to insert something onto that layer, AutoCAD Electrical toolset creates that layer on the fly.

Component Block Layers

Displays layer names. Type layer names into the edit boxes. A blank entry inserts that category on the current layer. Multiple categories can be tied to the same layer name (enter the same layer name into multiple edit boxes).

When a schematic component is inserted, the graphics of the block are inserted onto the layer listed in the Non text Graphics box. The attribute text of the block is automatically moved to the layers listed in the other boxes, based upon attribute function.

Non-text Graphics

Layer name for all non-attribute graphics of a symbol

Component Tags

Layer name for all parent and child component name tags (for example, "CR101")

Fixed Tags

Layer name for component tags that are fixed and are not changed if processed by the retag command


Layer name for parent functional description text (for example, "MASTER RELAY")

Description (Child)

Layer name for child contact functional description text (a copy of the description of the parent)


Layer name for parent cross-reference text

Cross-reference (Child)

Layer name for child cross-reference text

Pin Numbers

Layer name for terminal pin number text


Layer name for optional location and installation code text


Layer name for switch position text

Miscellaneous Text

Layer name for all other component annotation

Dashed Link Lines

Layer name for dashed lines that can be inserted to show multiple components linked together

Location Box

Layer name for Location Boxes


If a given layer name exists, use this switch (Freeze/Thaw) to hide (freeze) all attributes on that layer. For example, to hide all child cross-reference text, select Freeze next to the Cross-reference (child) edit box. You can also use the AutoCAD LAYER command to do the same thing.

Apply to entities on layer "0" only

As AutoCAD Electrical toolset inserts a component, it moves the parts and pieces of the symbol to the category layers listed in this dialog box. If you do not want an attribute or the graphics of a specific electrical symbol block to move to the defined AutoCAD Electrical toolset layers, create your symbol with the entities on some layer other than 0, and then select this switch.

Wire Number Layers

Displays wire number layers.

Wire Numbers

Layer name for normal wire numbers

Wire Copies

Layer name for extra wire number copies

Fixed Numbers

Layer name for fixed wire numbers that do not change when other wires are renumbered


Layer name for wire number copies that are part of a terminal or signal arrow symbol

If your current layer is BORDER, when you use the AutoCAD Electrical toolset icon menu to insert a 2-position selector switch. The lines and circles of the switch symbol automatically go to layer SYMS, the tag of the component to layer TAGS, the description text to DESC, switch position text to POS, and soon. If a new wire number inserts as a result of the switch breaking an existing numbered wire, the wire number automatically goes to layer WIRENO. All of this happens automatically, while your layer BORDER is current.