Compare Dimension Styles Dialog Box

Compares the properties of two dimension styles or displays all properties of one style.

DIMSTYLE (Command)

Tool Set: Drafting tab > Dimension panel > Dimension Style : > Compare.


You can output the results of the comparison to the Clipboard, and then paste to other applications.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Specifies the first dimension style for the comparison.


Specifies the second dimension style for the comparison. If you set the second style to <none> or to the same style as the first, all the properties of the dimension style are displayed.

Comparison results are displayed automatically under the following headings:

  • Description of the dimension style property
  • System variable that controls the property
  • System variable values of style properties that differ for each dimension style

Displays the results of the dimension style comparison. If you compare two different styles, the properties that differ are displayed. If you set the second style to <none> or to the same style as the first, all the properties of the dimension style are displayed.

Copy to Clipboard button

Copies the results of the comparison to the Clipboard. You can then paste the results to other applications, such as word processors and spreadsheets.