
Obsolete AutoCAD Commands and System Variables Reference

Provides a quick guide to which commands were removed in this release.

2023 Obsolete Commands and System Variables

System variables Description Additional Information AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
COLORSCHEME Stores the current color scheme used by the program. Replaced with COLORTHEME

2018 Obsolete Commands and System Variables

Commands Description Additional Information AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
RENDERONLINE Uses the online resources in Autodesk A360 to create an image of a 3D solid or surface model. Removed. Does not apply
System variables Description Additional Information AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
EPDFSHX Controls whether text objects using SHX fonts are stored in PDF files as comments when you export a drawing as a PDF file. Replaced with PDFSHX

2017 Obsolete Commands and System Variables

Commands Description Additional Information AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
CLEANSCREENON Clears the screen of the menu bar and all palettes. Removed. Replaced with FULLSCREEN.
CLEANSCREENOFF Restores the state of the display before CLEANSCREENON was used. Removed. Replaced with FULLSCREEN.
PALETTEICONON Collapses all open palettes, except command line and status bar, to a small bar displayed along the left or right side of the screen. Removed
PALETTEICONOFF Restores the display of all palettes collapsed by PALETTEICONON. Removed
RENDER Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model. Removed. Does not apply
-RENDER Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model from the Command prompt. Removed. Does not apply
RENDERENVIRONMENT Controls visual cues for the apparent distance of objects. Removed. Does not apply
RENDEROUTPUTSIZE Specifies the image size to create when rendering a 3D model. Removed. Does not apply
-RENDEROUTPUTSIZE Specifies the image size to create when rendering a 3D model. Removed. Does not apply
RENDERWIN Displays the Render window without starting a rendering operation. Removed. Does not apply
RENDERWINDOW Displays the Render window without starting a rendering operation. Removed. Does not apply
RENDERWINDOWCLOSE Closes the Render window. Removed. Does not apply
SAVEIMG Saves a rendered image to a file. Removed. Does not apply
System variables Description Additional Information AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
CLEANSCREENSTATE Indicates whether the clean screen state is on or off. Removed.
CSHADOW Sets the shadow display property for a 3D object. Removed. Does not apply
ICONSIZE Controls the size of the icons displayed on the Tool Sets palette and status bar. Removed.
LINEARBRIGHTNESS Controls the brightness level of the viewport when using default lighting or generic lights. Removed. Does not apply
LINEARCONTRAST Controls the contrast level of the viewport when using default lighting or generic lights. Removed. Does not apply
LOGEXPBRIGHTNESS Controls the brightness level of the viewport when using photometric lighting. Removed. Does not apply
LOGEXPCONTRAST Controls the contrast level of the viewport when using photometric lighting. Removed. Does not apply
LOGEXPDAYLIGHT Controls if the exterior daylight flag is enabled when using photometric lighting. Removed. Does not apply
LOGEXPMIDTONES Controls the mid tones level of the viewport when using photometric lighting. Removed. Does not apply
LOGEXPPHYSICALQUALITY Controls the relative brightness of self-illuminated materials in a photometric environment. Removed. Does not apply
PALETTEICONSTATE Indicates whether palettes are in icon state. Removed.
PAPERSPACEVISOR Controls the display of the Layout visor when switching to a named layout. Removed.
STATUSBAR Controls the display of the status bar. Replaced with commands STATUSBAR and STATUSBARCLOSE

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