To Purge Unused Items

Remove unused items and definitions, including zero-length geometry and empty text objects.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the toolbar, click .
    • At the Command prompt, enter PURGE.
  2. On the Purge dialog, select the items to purge:
    • Click Show Details to display the list of named items that can be purged.
    • Select a category to purge all items within that category.
    • Click the arrow to display a list of the individual items in that category.
    • Once you expand a category, select or clear individual items.
  3. Select Nested Items to remove all unused named objects that are contained within or referenced by other unused named objects.
  4. Select Orphaned Data to purge DGN linetypes.
  5. Select Unsupported Objects to purge custom objects or data not supported by AutoCAD for Mac.
  6. Click Purge.
  7. If Unsupported Objects is selected, the Unsupported Objects dialog box displays. Review and select the specific unsupported objects you want to purge.