LayerWalk Dialog Box

Dynamically displays objects on layers that you select in the Layer list.

LAYWALK (Command) Find

The number of layers in the drawing are displayed in the dialog box title. You can change the current layer state when you exit, save layer states, and purge layers that are not referenced.

You can use the Layer Walk dialog box in a paper space viewport to select layers to turn on and thaw in the layer table and the current viewport. Any layer that is not selected in the Layer list is frozen in the current viewport. You can change the display of one viewport without altering the display of another viewport.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Turns an active filter on and off. When this check box is selected, the list displays only those layers that match the active filter. When this check box is cleared, the full list of layers is displayed. (This option is available only when there is an active filter.) To turn on an active filter, in the filter list, either enter a wildcard and press Enter, or select a saved filter.

Layer List

If a filter is active, displays a list of layers defined in that filter. If no filter is active, displays a list of layers in the drawing. Double-click a layer to set it to Always Show (an asterisk to the left of the layer is displayed). Right-click in the layer list to display more options.

In the layer list, you can

  • Click a layer name to display the contents of a layer.
  • Double-click a layer name to turn the Always Show option on or off.
  • Press Ctrl and click layers to select multiple layers.
  • Press Shift and click to select layers in a sequence.
  • Press either Ctrl or Shift and double-click in the layer list to turn the Always Show option on or off.
  • Click and drag in the layer list to select multiple layers.

    For more options in the layer list, right-click to access the Layer List shortcut menu.

Layer List Shortcut Menu Options

Displays a list of options for the layers selected in the Layer list.

Hold Selection

Turns on the Always Show option for selected layers. An asterisk (*) is displayed to the left of each layer held.

Release Selection

Turns off the Always Show option for selected layers.

Release All

Turns off the Always Show option for all layers.

Select All

Selects and displays all layers.

Clear All

Clears all layers.

Invert Selection

Clears current layers and selects and displays all other layers.

Select Unreferenced

Selects all unreferenced layers. Use with the Purge button to remove unused layers.

Save Layer State

Saves the current selection of layers as a layer state that can be used by the Layer States Manager.


Displays the number of layers in the drawing, the number of layers selected, and the number of objects on the selected layers.

Copy as Filter

Displays the name of the selected layer in the Filter text box. Can be used to create wildcards.

Save Current Filter

Saves the current filter so that it is available in the Filter list for reuse.

Delete Current Filter

Removes the current filter from the filter list.

Select Objects

Selects objects and their layers.

Filter List

Filters the layer list. Enter a wild card and press Enter to display and highlight only those layers whose names match the wild-card expression. Right-click to save and delete filters. The filter list displays saved filters only.

For information on wild-card searches, see Wild-Card Characters Reference.


When selected layers are not referenced, purges them from the drawing. For a list of layers that can be purged, right-click anywhere in the Layer list and click Select Unreferenced. In the Layer list, the unreferenced layers are highlighted. You can purge those layers.

Restore on Exit

Returns layers to their previous state when you exit the dialog box. If the check box is cleared, any changes you made are saved.