To Create and Publish a Paper or Plot File Drawing Set

You can assemble drawing sheets into a customized drawing set and publish the sheets to the plotter named in the page setup specified for each sheet. If the plot device named in the page setup is a paper plotter, then your output will be a paper drawing set.

If the plotter is configured to plot to a file, the sheets are saved to files in the plot file location specified in the Publish Options dialog box. Each drawing sheet's plot file is saved with the same name as the sheet, with the appropriate file extension for the file (for example, .plt, .jpg, or .bmp). The default location can be changed in the Options dialog box, Plot and Publish tab, under Plot to File.

  1. In the Publish dialog box, the drawing layouts are shown in the Sheets List. To create the drawing set, modify the list of drawing sheets by doing any of the following as needed:
    • Add sheets. To add sheets from other drawings, click the Add Sheets button (or drag drawings from the desktop). In the Select Drawings dialog box, select drawings. Click Select to add them to the list of sheets in the Publish dialog box. All of the layouts in a drawing become individual sheets in the list of drawing sheets. You can remove the individual sheets if you do not want them to become part of the drawing set. A layout must be initialized (its paper size must be defined in the page setup to any size other than 0 x 0) before it can be published.
    • Include model layouts. If an uninitialized (the paper size is not defined in the page setup or is set to 0 x 0) model layout is included, it will be marked as Uninitialized in the Status column on the sheet list. It can be plotted if a page setup override is applied.
    • Remove sheets. To remove sheets from the list, select one or more sheets in the list. Click the Remove Sheets button. To remove all sheets, right-click. Click Remove All.
    • Reorder sheets. To reorder the sheets up or down one position in the list, select a sheet. Click either the Move Sheet Up or Move Sheet Down button. Sheets in the drawing set are viewed or plotted in the order shown in the list.
    • Rename sheets. To rename a sheet, select it in the list and right-click, Click Rename Sheet. Enter the new sheet name.
    • Copy sheets. To copy one or more drawing sheets, select the sheets in the list and right-click. Click Copy Selected Sheets. The copied drawing sheets are added and highlighted at the end of the sheet list. When a sheet is copied, its name is created by the addition of -Copy(n) at the end of the original sheet name. For example, if you create one copy of a sheet called Plumbing, the copied sheet is called Plumbing-Copy(1). Each time you copy the same sheet, the n is incremented by 1. By creating copies of a sheet, you can have different page setups and other settings for the same sheet.