Create New Dimension Style Dialog Box

Names the new dimension style, sets the style on which to start the new one, and indicates the dimension types to which you want the new style to apply.

DIMSTYLE (Command) Find: New

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

New Style Name

Specifies the new dimension style name.

Start With

Sets a style to use as a basis for the new one. For the new style, you change only the properties that differ from the properties you start with.


Specifies that the dimension style is annotative. Annotative objects and styles are used to control the size and scale at which annotation objects are displayed in model space or a layout.

Use For

Creates a dimension substyle that applies only to specific dimension types. For example, you could create a version of the STANDARD dimension style to be used only for diameter dimensions.


Displays the New Dimension Style dialog box, in which you define the new dimension style properties.