COORDS (System Variable)

Controls whether the cursor position on the status bar is updated continuously or at specific times only. It also controls the format in which the coordinates are displayed.

Saved in:Registry
Initial value:1




Absolute coordinates are displayed; the coordinate display is updated only when a point is specified.


Absolute coordinates are displayed; the coordinate display is updated continuously in realtime.


Relative polar coordinates are displayed when a command is active and while you specify a point, distance, or an angle; the coordinate display is updated continuously in realtime.

When a command is not active, absolute coordinate values are displayed.

Note: Z values are always in absolute coordinates.


Geographic (latitude and longitude) coordinates are displayed; the coordinate display is updated continuously in realtime.

The coordinate format is controlled by the GEOLATLONGFORMAT system variable.

Note: Z values are not displayed when the drawing file contains geographic location information.
Note: Coordinate Display is not displayed on the status bar by default. To display coordinates on the status bar, click Customization ( Find), the right-most button on the status bar and then choose Coordinates.