About Using Task-Based Workspaces

Workspaces are sets of menus, toolbars, palettes, and ribbon control panels that are grouped and organized so that you can work in a custom, task-oriented drawing environment.

When you use a workspace, only the menus, toolbars, and palettes that are relevant to a task are displayed. In addition, a workspace may automatically display the ribbon, a special palette with task-specific control panels.

You can easily switch between workspaces. The following task-based workspaces are already defined in the product:

When you make changes to your drawing display (such as moving, hiding, or displaying a toolbar or a tool palette group) and you want to preserve the display settings for future use, you can save the current settings to a workspace.

Switch Workspaces

You can switch to another workspace whenever you need to work on a different task from the Workspace Switching button on the status bar at the bottom-right of the application window.


Create or Change a Workspace

You can create your own workspaces and modify the default workspaces. To create or change a workspace, use either of the following methods:

You can control the display order of your saved workspaces and other options in the Workspace Settings dialog box.